Language Services Bureau Answers Your Questions About Multilingual DTP

Multilingual DTP is a comprehensive process involving translation services, formatting, design and layout services with an additional final QC stage provided for “Ready to Print Multilingual Documents”. For this purpose, apart from linguistic expertise, technical expertise is also a must and Language Services Bureau offers that exact combination.

But before we dive deeper into the services offered, let us try to answer some of the very common questions asked about Multilingual DTP.

1. What content needs Multilingual DTP?

Documents such as pamphlets, brochures, manuals and newsletters are created using desktop publishing software (DTP). DTP software has the fundamental functions of modern word processors, but features like templates and frames make it superior for sophisticated page layouts. From brochures, booklets, posters, packaging to logos and other marketing materials, DTP software provides it all. With a global audience demanding multilingual content, all of these materials need to be localised.

2. What software are used for Multilingual DTP?

When it comes to software, Adobe is the market leader. InDesign is ideal for creating multi-page documents. Graphic-heavy, single-page items are best suited for Illustrator or Photoshop. Some designers still choose QuarkExpress, which used to be the industry leader. On the other hand, Corel Draw is prefered by many designers in India.

3. Why do we need specialists?

It's a recipe for disaster to use amateurs for your multilingual DTP projects! Everything you do has an impact on the success of your marketing material.

The following are the reasons why you should always hire a professional for each phase of the process:

  • Professional translators at Language Services Bureau will make sure that your translations are accurate and appropriate for their intended audience.
  • Translations are accurate, consistent, well-worded, and deliver the content in an industry-specific format.
  • In addition, quality-focused translation organisations like Language Services Bureau offer additional processes like proofreading and editing of the original content too, if required.
  • The way a piece of writing is laid up on a page has a significant influence on how readers perceive it and how successful it is. As a result, you should avoid entrusting your project to someone who may underperform due to lack of knowledge. Experts in design, printing or pre-press will guarantee that the final product is perfect.

Tips to consider before designing a Multilingual layout

a) Text: When English text is translated into other languages, the volume may grow more depending on the target language. The percentage varies depending on the language, but can go upto 25%. To accommodate this expansion, it's important to leave as much white space on the page as possible.

b) Hyphenation: Avoid using hyphenated material whenever possible. Most website design software is not suited to manage these variances since foreign languages have distinct hyphenation standards.

Top Industries that Use Multilingual DTP

  • Medical and Pharma.
  • Consumer Electronics.
  • Heavy Machinery.
  • International Marketing.
  • Global Logistics.

With these Multilingual basics out of our way, let us look at the services offered by Language Services Bureau.

The experts at Language Services Bureau are excellent translators working alongside a dedicated team of DTP professionals with the necessary technical expertise to work with DTP software. So whether your document is in Corel Draw or Adobe Photoshop, Indesign or Framemaker, you will get ready to print text with a precisely maintained format. Now your catalogues, brochures, manuals can be localised in multiple languages – just hand over the text and artwork to us and we will take care of the rest!

For any queries related to language translation services. Inquire at our email address below or give us a call today!

Telephone: +91-20-24470509, +91-82370 60559

Or, connect with us on Facebook or Linkedin!

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