japan flag

Japanese is a language spoken by over 120 million people in Japan and in Japanese immigrant communities (Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Brazil, Peru, Argentina, Australia and Canada). The Japanese language is written with a combination of three scripts: Chinese characters called kanji and two syllabic scripts made of modified Chinese characters, hiragana and katakana.

The Latin script, rōmaji, is also often used in modern Japanese, especially for company names and logos, advertising, Romanization of Japanese characters, and when entering Japanese text to a computer. Arabic numerals are generally used for numbers, but traditional Sino-Japanese numerals are also commonplace.

Japan is the second largest economy in the world. Japanese exports of automobiles and other manufacturing goods are increasing. Japan remains an economic powerhouse of Asia still exceeding China in economic output and second only to the United States in total gross domestic product. Japan is especially known for its engineering and manufacturing strengths which continue to buttress the importance of Japanese on the world stage. Japan is also a leader in virtually any business related to the semiconductor industry, electronics, engineering, manufacturing and certain agricultural industries.

Evidently, the transfer of technology and increase in trade ties related to the industries mentioned above would require high quality Japanese translation services (Japanese to English translation and English to Japanese translation).

Our Fortes

language services bureau Best quality Spanish translation

Translation and Interpretation

Language Services Bureau has been consistently providing the best quality professional Japanese translation (Japanese to English translation and English to Japanese translation) and interpretation services in Pune for the last 35 years.
language services bureau Industry Experience

Varied domains

Japanese translation (Japanese to English translation and English to Japanese translation) and interpretation is provided for various domains - general, legal, commercial, financial, pharmaceuticals, websites and even patents!
language services bureau Certified Spanish translation


Certified Japanese translation services (Japanese to English translation and English to Japanese translation) can also be provided by Language Services Bureau for submission of official document (And translations) to authorities..

You can find more details about the types of documents translated on:

Get in touch with us today for your Spanish translation (Spanish to English translation and English to Spanish translation) requirement and we will get back to you with our quote for the same.

In addition to Japanese translation services (Japanese to English translation and English to Japanese translation),

Japanese interpretation services

Corporate Language Training programs

Our Japanese training programs include Crash Courses especially designed for people who need the language on the professional front.

Yes our Human translators can translate Japanese documents in to English.

Yes Japanese translators are in demand, especially coupled with technical, medical and IT knowledge or combined with other Indian languages.
